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What can you find in the darknet?

 There are a lot of Darknet networks in the world. Some of them are trendy today, others have long been outdated. But the first visit will be a shock and revelation for you. Connections are established only among trusted nodes (friend-to-friend) with the use of special ports and protocols. The IP addresses of the servers are hidden. You can't reach it through a regular browser like Safari or Chrome.

 Tor Web is devolved, so they're not controlled by anyone else. This gives users a certain amount of flexibility. Dark-net sites often use Tor encryption technology. It allows you to hide the personality of the user and change the IP address, as well as hide the resource from prying eyes off the network.

 But that doesn't mean that the entire Darkweb is only accessible per Tor. If you need a site that is protected by Tor's encryption technology, you must use the browser of the same name and onion links.However, there are more I2P-based networks.


How to search onion sites

 Google's analogue in Darknet is Grams. Looking for, by the way, not only sites in Tor (on the .onion domain), but all over the Internet. It indexes the .onion segment better because it is built on the Tor engine. You can also employ search tools not Evil, TORCH, Ahmia. And there are catalogues of links like The Hidden Wiki (wiki for Tor) and oneirun.

 Of course, search engines in Deepnet work poorly. The ranking is set by programmers, in many cases manual filtering is used, and the speed is extremely slow. It's not about setting up a search and taking into account personal preferences. The search results are only up to you. Recently, there has been a lot of advertising related to bitcoins and other crypto currency – exchange, laundering, etc. In Darknet they have long been the main means of payment.


And what, are there only weapons, porn and drugs?

 Not at all. In Tor there are "mirrors" of large torrent-trackers, resources like anonymous Q&A service Hidden Answers, game and entertainment portals, even your own literary magazine Torist. Since the connection speed is low, you won't have much fun. However, there are enough hacker sites with other unlawful goods and services here. It is possible to buy fake documents, state. number on a car, to order the help under the credit, attack on a server or having broken through a mobile or a copy of another's SIM-card. There are also resources of the forbidden organizations - nationalist, neo-Nazi, terrorist, extremist. Here really the content blooms and smells, falls out tons and is actively discussed.


Why Darknet is dangerous

 There are many sites on the Deep Net that exploit "zero-day vulnerabilities" - holes that developers do not yet know about. These vulnerabilities allow you, for example, to monitor you through a camera and a laptop microphone. When you open Tor, you make your PC part of the onion network. And because of this, you can become an accomplice to major crimes committed by hackers - brute forces of passwords or DDoS-attacks.

 Downloading files from Tor links is dangerous, including documents for Word and Excel. They are much more likely to become infected with the virus than in the open part of the Internet. Of course, Tor Project tells you how well everything is protected and safe. But the network was originally created for army and intelligence services. So they may utilize it for their own purposes.



 Darknet is an interesting, dangerous thing, and most people don't need it. In the Clearnet you can find a significant part of what is offered in the dark segment. Of course, the description of a new method of fraud in social networks or the announcement of hiring a drug courier is easier to find in the Darknet of the Internet. But if you want to know the prices for the services of a killer, you have to go much deeper, and even search engines Dark-network will not help you in this.


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